Thursday, October 29, 2009

fair food FRIGHTstand

this week, for halloween, I was inspired by some very mousy looking "bulls blood" beets at the farmstand.
their tails just looked so mousy I couldn't resist. added some garlic cloves for ears and shazaam!
genevieve, a farm stand colleague, thought they should live in some kind of a scene, so I figured they'd be quite happy watching the Phillies game on a flat screen TV.
i think they're having a blast!

Monday, October 26, 2009

my best costume

my best costumed happened in 2005.
alissa was a kiwi fruit that year!
still unsure about this year.
still sure that i like costumes!

Thursday, October 8, 2009

400cow burger

In Marion Nestle's book, Safe Food, she mentions a study which finds that one pound of commercial meat could contain meat from more than 400 cattle.

400 cattle bits!

Also, 70% of antibiotics produced in the US are given to livestock--and then end up leaking into our water supply.
Mmm, would you like a side of meat with your antibiotics and hormones?

Just make sure you know and like the origins of the meat you consume!
These cows were super happy (and maybe they're not around anymore?). Jon and I visited them at Hendrick's Farm and Dairy earlier in the summer.

And if you're really into meat, subscribe to meatpaper.

Monday, October 5, 2009

run free!

there is a growing debate around the necessity and effectiveness of the "high tech" running shoe. many experts claim that despite all of the advances over the last few decades, injury has not declined and there is little evidence that running shoes prevent injury--in fact many believe they lead to more injury!

one of my yoga teachers mentioned Born to Run the other day, a book about one man's quest to find out why, despite the best "technology" and "gear" for running, he still faces injuries. the book chronicles his experiences with the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico, who run distances effortlessly wearing sandals or barefoot.
i got myself a nifty pair of Vibram FiveFingers and have been running shorter distances in them--and also wearing them during long shifts at lululemon. they feel great--and my toes definitely feel happier and more in tune with the world!!