Monday, September 28, 2009

blahs vegas

went to vegas (my least fave place in the milky way) last week for the rad interbike bicycle trade show to help set up and man the Focus Bicycles booth
Focus is a German bike company that is newly launching in the US.
their bikes are incredible gems of German engineering and are designed by professional racers!
vegas was an interesting backdrop to a tradeshow for the bicycle industry. there are, at present, no bike lanes there.
vegas is unreal. it's an intense and constant juxtaposition of excess and lavish ornamentation
against pervasive ugliness.
but all in all i had a great time and got to see some really neat innovations in bikes, like these ones made of bamboo!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

up your nose!

i was at whole foods to pick up 4 things; oats, quinoa, lemons and garlic when all of a sudden i found myself impulsively adding a neti pot to my basket. i'd heard my sister talk about this ancient nasal irrigation device as well as many yoga teachers and i felt it was time to get my nasal passages clear once and for all!

and it really works! it's a bit strange at first, but once I got the hang of it, I know it will be a part of my daily routine. and for anyone who is doubtful, it was featured on oprah. so it must be great!

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

"a nightmare without it"

weddings abound! i was checking out my friend kim's site on when this little product popped up as a suggested gift--i was so intrigued, I just had to click on it.
