Monday, October 5, 2009

run free!

there is a growing debate around the necessity and effectiveness of the "high tech" running shoe. many experts claim that despite all of the advances over the last few decades, injury has not declined and there is little evidence that running shoes prevent injury--in fact many believe they lead to more injury!

one of my yoga teachers mentioned Born to Run the other day, a book about one man's quest to find out why, despite the best "technology" and "gear" for running, he still faces injuries. the book chronicles his experiences with the Tarahumara tribe in Mexico, who run distances effortlessly wearing sandals or barefoot.
i got myself a nifty pair of Vibram FiveFingers and have been running shorter distances in them--and also wearing them during long shifts at lululemon. they feel great--and my toes definitely feel happier and more in tune with the world!!


Wally said...

do they feel good when you run? can you feel the ground more? tell me everything. i'm intrigued...

Phil said...

Welcome to the fold. ;-)

Becky said...

I have been seeing these everyhwere! They look completely loony but I hear they feel amazing! It is weird to run without socks?

Rebs said...

im reading born to run now.

Unknown said...

andrew said...

awww man... I'm so tempted to get a pair now.