Monday, January 18, 2010


Less than a year ago, I wrote about my adventures with Margot and Richie, Jon's beloved pet goldfish. Margot left us over the summer, but Richie prevailed.
Until this weekend.
Richie was a great fish; charming, loving, with a great appetite for life and a passion for swimming. On the night of January 16th, Richie was made victim of a practical joke played on Jon by one of his friends who thought it would be funny to put Richie in a wine glass and replace him in his bowl with a can of gravy. Richie could not handle the trauma and fell sick, passing early this morning. Richie lived a rich life--he will be missed greatly and honored forever!


Santiago Pituitary said...

wait, did he put richie in wine? my experiences with richie were few, yet the impact of his absence is great. may he know aquariums, oceans, krill, and moon tides in the great beyond

alfa foxtrot said...

RIP richie rich

Becky said...

I'm not sure I understand exactly how this practical joke went down but this is very sad news. RIP Richie!

Essay Are A said...

let me clarify-
Jon's friend poured Richie into a wine glass. Then he took an unopened can of gravy and put it in the fishbowl. Then jon put Richie back in his bowl.

Then richie slowly faded from us.
